


Indexing the Law

The law is a very broad subject, there are many aspects to it. This is only natural because the law needs to be applicable for all situations and at all times. Due to this, some of it is easily recognizable, but some others are less familiar while some exist yet many people have no idea what it is or are unclear about its meaning .

In order to provide the best service to our users, Legist has chosen to solve this problem by creating multiple categories to let people ask questions or search for answers to easily find the legal help that they seek.

The importance of categories cannot be overlooked because categories create an index of the app rather than forcing people to search the entire app for an answer about a certain topic. It also grants the app an orderly appearance that leads to efficient use of our customers’ time. 

We are aware that people have many priorities and believe that when insearch of legal help, the quicker an answer is received the better it is for the customer. Categories are also important because they allow legal advocates to instantly find questions which they can easily answer, this lets them provide accurate answers because they are speaking on subjects they are familiar with.

Currently, there are six basic categories which include Health, Disability, Family and Housing. We chose this as our starting point because many legal questions are centered around these categories as they apply personally to a large number of people. Legist seeks to make sure that all of our customers’ have a chance to find a post which will help them in their search for legal help.

 In the future, if our customers require it, we are open to expanding the category listing so that we can better satisfy our customers.


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Can’t Chat with an Advocate? No Problem

After users have asked a question on the Legist platform, every lawyer on the platform can see your questions and comment on it. The lawyers also have the option of initiating a conversation with you directly if they think they can be of assistance to you. From here, you can either continue the chat or ask to meet up.

After a conversation has been created, what follows depends on the users.

On our application, lawyers always initiate the first conversation. This is dependent on the nature of your question and what role the lawyer feels they can play in your situation.

Users cannot initiate a conversation with the lawyers directly. However, they can post questions that are relevant and detailed and a lawyer can reach out to be of assistance..

Legist was designed to create an open market for legal concerns, so there are no rules or hidden costs to how you choose to express your legal concerns.


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Using the Chat Feature

There are multiple times when someone needs help, but is terrified of telling people because to do so would mean revealing important things about themselves they want to keep blocked from the view of the public. Seeing as legal concerns are an important part of our lives, we understand that in order to fully explain a legal issue, sometimes the customer must reveal some sensitive information. Legist is committed to protecting the privacy of our customers so that they can ask questions and receive support on their legal troubles without any hassle.

In the app, there are two ways to present your legal issues. The first is by positing a public question which can be viewed by all people in the app. The second is to chat directly with legal advocates. When you click on a lawyer’s name you can start a direct message with them.

Chatting with legal advocates is a very useful tool because it guarantees privacy. Chats between customers and advocates can only be viewed by those involved, even Legist cannot view those messages. This is because we value the privacy of our customers and believe that it is necessary for the creation of a user-friendly application.

Secondly, chatting with legal advocates guarantees you access to much more accurate answers because you will be conversing with people who are knowledgeable about that specific issue. Since your conversation is private, you will be able to reveal some information you might otherwise not share in a public post which will help the advocate frame their answer in a way that would benefit you.

The chat feature exists due to Legist taking into consideration the privacy of its customers and working to protect it. We hope you take advantage of this feature to the fullest extent.

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