

May 2021

Keep in Touch with your Legal Team

Conversations with lawyers, attorneys and legal advocates can be held anywhere around the world from your mobile device. Imagine having a community of legal professionals you can turn to anytime and anywhere for advice, guidance or just to see what issues are most important to people around you.

We are excited to share that Legist allows for these conversations to occur by allowing you to post questions. Customers and legal advocates can then work together to answer questions or provide guidance on important issues. The wealth of resources is unlimited; customers have the opportunity to interact with every aspect of the legal community and become more knowledgeable about how the law affects different aspects of their lives in areas like housing, disability, and health.

As a valued customer you also have the power to determine if you want your questions to be public or private. Public posts and conversations are shared with every user on Legist, these posts can be seen by both legal professionals and other customers. Users are also able to comment or respond to your questions and provide a community for any particular issue.

On the other hand, private posts allow for a one-on-one conversation with every legal professional on the App. Every question and conversation made in private mode is only seen by legal professionals on the App. We are committed to protecting the privacy of your conversation and we will continue to develop new ways to make the sensitive nature of our customers’ legal concerns much more secure.

In order to make Legist more user-friendly, we have narrowed down issues to a few categories. Categories which include health, housing and much more that allow customers to engage directly with legal professionals within a particular category. This allows for an organized form of communication within a particular category while also making it easier to access specific kinds of information without searching the entirety of the app.

Legist was created as a service that provides a secure, reliable and private platform for people to use. We are committed to helping connect the legal world while protecting the privacy of our customers.

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Making it Easier on Legist with Search Tool

We’ve all been there, too much information in our hands and too little time to search through it all. You keep scrolling using your keyboard or if you’re lucky the scroll wheel on your mouse while frantically searching for that small piece of information you consider important. It might be a question, a paragraph, or just a statement. The fact is that there is too much information in today’s world, where information is easily accessible, it is extremely difficult to isolate what you need. Even with a mouse, if we are not careful it is easy to miss the object of your desire. In order to prevent this, the concept of user-friendly must become very important to everyone.

User-friendly design as its name suggests refers to a machine or technology that is easy to use and understand. In essence, your users must be able to easily and quickly find the information they require. In order to do that, there are certain steps that can be taken.

You will require a well organized information architecture. The way information is arranged and presented is very important especially when you offer a wide range of information to attract your target customers. Another method is to make it easier to read by using correct formatting like headings and subheadings to highlight key information. The final and probably the most important step to achieving a user-friendly design is an innovative and effective navigation system.

A good navigation system is consistent between all browser formats making it accessible to all kinds of users no matter what technological preferences they possess. An effective navigation system also eliminates the burden of scrolling down through massive amounts of information. A good example is the implementation of a search feature with a drop down list of suggestions depending on the words the user types.

The navigation system has to provide a reasonable number of options to its users. A good number would be a list of ten. As websites and applications multiply with each growing day, it is extremely important that they possess well thought out user-friendly attributes that will guide users to their destinations with a minimum of fuss.

Legist’s Search tool allows you to find questions, and answers posted on our platform. The ability to find information in the shortest amount of time would help save time and increase productivity.

We hope you take full advantage of Legist’s search tool when engaging with your legal community.

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