

Strategy to Mitigate Information Warfare

Technology & Information networking, Information and technology warfare all of these terms have some type of connection to strategic and tactical military purposes. Technology has advanced so much that even your information can be used against you in an online situation. 

There are steps we need to take as individuals and a community to prevent our information from being used as a technological weapon against us, a country or a community we are a part of. The end results and implication of such an act are very unpredictable and uncertain. This type of conflict can cause a lot of damage for both the initiator and victims of the cyber attack. Yes cyber attack, that is what we have come to call these types of warfare. 

What does this have to do with Legist? Well you came to the right place to have all those burning questions answered. Your profile might be at risk on the various apps and devices you have your personal information stored on. We call this exposure or point of entry for a potential cyber attack. At the same time there are levels to cyber attack, the United states and its potential enemies could use personal information to exploit the infrastructure of another country. The United States has substantial and complex management infrastructure to mitigate cyber attacks. 

Legist similar to the United States have put in place systems to mitigate your information getting stolen from our platforms. If and when potential cyber-attacks attempt to steal your information, we have systems in place to stop these attacks.

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The Value of Location

Laws are like people in a certain sense. Depending on many factors, the way law is used differs from one person to another. One such factor is that of location. In the United States, the law is influenced by the federal and state government. This is what makes the location a great factor in how the law is implemented.

Different states have different laws or different metrics and requirements regarding certain things. The way New York handles divorce is different from how North Carolina does it. These minute differences can make or break the answer an advocate provides to a client. This is why we advise adding your location to your profile. Doing this will allow the advocates to narrow down the solutions unique to you and your area.

But while this will help improve the answers our clients receive, many people might feel uncomfortable revealing their location so easily which is why Legist’s location tool allows you to place your geographic region on your profile rather than your specific address. For example, you could say the GNY Region rather than 28 Main Street or so on. If you want a much more precise answer then using your home state is acceptable as well. We hope that by doing this, we can make lives easier for both clients and advocates.

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Questions – Answers to your Scenario

Questions are the answers to your Scenario. How you decide to ask a question could help people decipher your starting point, your current situation and where you are going based on the decision and advice given. We call it the three scenarios, your starting position which tells the person answering your question what led you to the current situation. This is why people ask for background information. This is where you set the tone for the rest of your question explaining when, how and why. 

Your starting position is actually step 2 not step 1. Contrary to popular belief which assumes your current situation is what really tells the whole story. It is actually the context in which that situation occurs that begins the story. Take time to explain every detail about the context in which the situation occurred. People will get a better understanding of where you are coming from and what your situation is.

You probably want to know what advice or answer you would get for your question. However, you are not done yet. You need to let people know your expectations after others have read your questions. The goal is to have the other person come to the same conclusion or expectation after reading your questions. This is where you communicate your expectation exactly how you want people to respond, be direct and concise. 

The Question you ask can help get the answers you need. Remember to address the Starting point, current situation and where you are going with the question. This is how I remember it, – SCE which is short for Scenario. 

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